Thursday, June 10, 2010

Karate Kid Remake

   Maybe it's just me, but I truly hate the fact that Hollywood seems to feel the need to remake movies. Of course there are a few exceptions such as the Magnificent Seven and Cape Fear, which are very rare. There are some remakes that are understandably remade such as the recent Clash of the Titans-modern movie advancements would lead you to believe that this would be a graphical improvement. On the other hand there are movies that should never be remade...such as Karate Kid.
   When a movie has such a surprisingly good story and great cast chemistry-you don't remake the movie. Listen Ralph Macchio made only one good why take that away by trying to improve it. Another thing that bugs me about this-Hollywood has some kind of arrogance for trying to make us believe that Jackie Chan will be a better Mr. Miyagi than Pay Morita. At the end of the day the Karate Kid remake will be another blunder in movie making judgment.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Is pre-marital sex good or bad?

Recently I found myself in an odd discussion about the benefits of pre-marital sex. For some strange reason I allowed myself to stay in a conversation with a overly religious individual, this act was my obvious first mistake. According to this person god feels a need for us to abstain from sex before marriage.
Now you can probably predict what I had to hear next-the whole virgin Mary story made a appearance. In my opinion things didn't go down the way the bible depicts. Mary didn't have "immaculate conception", but in fact she must have conceived a child from someone other then her partner and needed some kind of excuse in order to not lose her husband Joseph. In a way Joseph is the king of all gullible people out there.
Now, after listening to all this foolishness, more foolishness followed. The flurry of advantages came into the conversation. An obvious way to prevent catching a STD, I just figured a condom would solve that outcome. Abstaining would make you and your partner feel closer. I believe there were more examples, but this is the moment that my mind faded out.
I always compared sex to buying a car. Don't you want to try it out before you purchase it. You want to know if your the right fit for each other and sex plays a factor. At any rate, I loath talking to people who are extremely religous.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I love Texas slogans.

Here is a few Texas slogans that make me laugh:
1. Don't mess with Texas.
2. Remember the Alamo.
3. Every thing is bigger in Texas.
3. State of the arts.
4. It's like a whole other country.
I like how they don't want you to mess with their state even though their state battle record is 0-1. "Every thing is bigger in Texas", really? They want to brag about being an obese state. I guess in Texas' eyes being known for taxidermy allows them to be the "state of the arts". Now, I will agree with one of their slogans-they are whole other country in so many "special" ways. Please keep in mind, I'm not Texas bashing-I'm just admiring their beliefs.